Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to get a user profile for OAuth Token using JWT headers

In this blog post lets discuss how you can retrieve user profile and view attributes of a user using only the OAuth token in WSO2 Identity server. I assume that reader is familiar with WSO2 identity server and if you need more help you can follow the documentation at

1) Change the CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/identity.xml and make following attribute true. Then start the WSO2 Identity server.


2) Get the oauth Token ( you need to get the base64 encoded value for (client id:client secret) value.

You can use an online service for encoding such as and then issue following CURL command to obtain the access token. (make sure you have the correct port in the server URL)

curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic VE01enNFem9FZG9NRERjVEJjbXRBcWJGdTBFYTpYUU9URExINlBBOHJvUHJfSktrTHhUSTNseGNh" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" https://localhost:9443/oauth2endpoints/token

 3) Now you need to invoke and admin service in the Identity server. Please follow on how to invoke admin services using SOAP UI.

We shall now invoke the following service.



Now you will be getting the authorization context token which is encoded in base64 and delimited with "." values. Middle part will contain the user profile value and we can get it decoded using


Following is the output of the decoded value which has the user profile details of the user who generated the OAuth access token.